2020年12月10日 星期四

Child Labor (童工)

"Children have to go to school until the age of fourteen." Aunt Nora said. Ronan 到美國的第一件事是去上學,而非去工作。 但在更早以前,許多兒童為了生活必須在很小的年紀時去工作,而無法受教育。在台灣對童工也有法律的規範。

Now it's time to unite
Take a stand for children's rights
to dream, to learn, to play
to grow in safety day by day
Bring child labor to an end

請閱讀All Work, No Play, 思考以下問題,

1.What if you could not play or go to school?
2. What if you had to go to work every day?
3. Today, most children do not work. But some children still have to. Do you think this is fair?
4. How can you do to help?

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請問老師All Work, No Play有MP3可以下載嗎?

 各位家長及同學, 停課期間,Vickie 老師的線上課程,請各自上Google Classroom網頁, 進入Land of New Hope 課程,並於指定時間上線。謝謝。 若有任何問題請利用email 與我聯絡,謝謝! vickie@esut.tp.edu.tw